New Delhi (India), September 11: In a grand and momentous ceremony graced by dignitaries and well-wishers from near and far, Pt. Deependra Arjaria was bestowed with the prestigious Pratham Atal Samman by the esteemed Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath. This auspicious event witnessed the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Shri Keshav Prasad Maurya, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, BJP Uttar Pradesh President Bhupendra Chaudhary, alongside other distinguished ministers, Members of Parliament, and Members of the Legislative Assembly.
Pt. Deependra Arjaria’s name resonates not only within the boundaries of Uttar Pradesh but extends its reach across international borders, garnering recognition on various continents. His unmatched expertise in the field of astrology has earned him a plethora of accolades at the state, national, and international levels. However, what truly sets him apart is not just his mastery of his craft but also his steadfast commitment to the welfare of the public.
Despite his global acclaim, Pt. Deependra Arjaria remains firmly rooted in his connection to the grassroots. He dedicates a significant portion of his hectic schedule to providing assistance to the public, making a profound impact that goes beyond the conventional scope of his profession. It is this unwavering dedication to the well-being of people that has garnered supporters not only in India but in every corner of the globe. This widespread support is a testament to his role as a pillar of strength for the public, endearing him as a beloved figure.
Pt. Arjaria’s popularity among the masses is well-deserved. His benevolent actions resonate with individuals from all walks of life, ensuring fairness and justice prevail. Reverently addressed as “Maharaj” by his admirers and disciples, he holds a revered status, often referred to as “guru ji” by those who seek his guidance. His influence extends far beyond his immediate region. In Bundelkhand and across various parts of the world, he is regarded as a venerable figure—a source of wisdom and insight that brightens lives.
As an integral part of the community, Pt. Deependra Arjaria’s influence transcends his expertise in astrology. He has fostered robust connections with government officials, politicians, and celebrities, solidifying his reputation as a bridge between diverse spheres of society. This unique network he has cultivated reflects his commitment to bringing about positive change on both individual and societal levels.
By honoring Pt. Deependra Arjaria with the Pratham Atal Samman, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath not only recognizes his extraordinary contributions to the field of astrology but also celebrates his tireless efforts to uplift the lives of countless individuals. This accolade serves as a testament to the impact of selfless dedication and unwavering commitment to public welfare. Pt. Arjaria’s narrative is one of inspiration and a reminder that true success lies in the betterment of society at large.
About Deependra Arjaria
Deependra Arjaria, also known as “Atalshri Pt Deependra Arjaria” or “Maharaj Atalshri Pt Deependra Arjaria Guru Ji,” is a distinguished Indian Mathematician, Astrologer, and the esteemed chairman of LNGC. With an illustrious career spanning over three decades since 1993, he has garnered widespread recognition, including two State Level Government Awards and numerous National and International Awards, for his exceptional contributions to the fields of mathematics and astrology. Born on June 28, 1971, in Gursarai, Jhansi. Deependra Arjaria is also the Vice president of India (NHRA). He completed his Master of Science education and has been an influential figure in promoting education and human rights in the country. He has been married to Shraddha Sharma since 2000 and has two children, Shringdeep Arjariya (elder) and Shreydeep Arjariya (younger), who continue to uphold his legacy. His parents, Laxminarayan Arjaria (father) and Phoola Arjaria (mother) have been a source of inspiration in his remarkable journey of personal and academic achievements. Deependra Arjaria remains actively engaged in his various roles and continues to make significant contributions to his fields of expertise.
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